We've just experienced what may be a glimpse into the future. Imagine this--a university dance department hosts a prominent guest artist. Other departments want to join in the experience. You could use an internet video chat, but the video is too compressed to really be able to physically interact in the way dance instruction requires.
Telematics! This technology isn't new--in fact, our department has been part of telematics performances before. But the application for teaching was clear this week as Ben Munisteri, Maggie Allesee Artist-in-Residence, taught a composition class for students at both Wayne State University and Western Michigan University. Dancers on both campuses responded to instruction, gave each other feedback, and ultimately danced together in duets.
Telematics! This technology isn't new--in fact, our department has been part of telematics performances before. But the application for teaching was clear this week as Ben Munisteri, Maggie Allesee Artist-in-Residence, taught a composition class for students at both Wayne State University and Western Michigan University. Dancers on both campuses responded to instruction, gave each other feedback, and ultimately danced together in duets.